Removing vCenter Snapshots with PowerShell and VMware vSphere PowerCLI

24. November 2016

PowerShell Version: >4 
Modules: VMware vSphere PowerCLI

While having issues with HP Data Protector and VMware backups I created a script that logs in to different vCenter Servers and checks for Data Protector Snapshots that are older than x and removes them. This script can easily be customized to suite your environment and needs.

# variables
$name = "_DP_VEPA_SNAP_"
$hours = "0"

$vc_username = "USERNAME"
$vc_password = "PASSWORD"

# load powercli commands
add-pssnapin vmw* | out-null

# for every vcenter
foreach ($vcenter in $vcenters)
    # connect
    Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -User $vc_username -Password $vc_password -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    $snapshots = Get-Snapshot -vm * -name "$name" | Where {$_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddHours($hours)}
        if ($? -eq $false)
            "### $vcenter ###"
            "No matching Snapshots found."
            "### $vcenter ###"
            $snapshots | select VM, @{Name="Age";Expression={((Get-Date)-$_.Created).Hours}}, SizeMB | Format-Table -Autosize
            # remove snapshots
            $snapshots | Remove-Snapshot -confirm:$false
    # disconnect
    Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False | out-null

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